Program description
All taken into account

Automation of accounting
activities now
even easier.

  • Creation of routes and services

    Classification of excursions and services, detailed description and detailing of the routes with photos, sights, conditions of events and useful information for the tourist.

  • Schedule of programs

    Scheduling of excursions and services depending on the season, the days of the week, the composition of the groups, the time spent, language support, taking into account the meeting place, the departure and arrival points of groups, the automatic determination of the time of gathering tourists.

  • Transfer Program

    Details of information on transport with their routes from the point of departure to the venue and back, automatic recording of the occupancy of the transport parlors, viewing detailed information on the voucher, monitoring the time and place of meeting of tourists.

  • Quoting

    Quick creation and management of blocks of seats, automatic monitoring of sold and free places. Use blocks for any type of vehicle.

  • Online booking for tourists

    Your customers will be able to choose one or several routes or services at the same time, taking into account their own interests, the subject of events, depending on the time and place. For the clinics provides a simple procedure for booking without pre-registration with the possibility of payment and checking the status of the reservation.

  • Formation of prices

    Flexible pricing for different types of customers and partners, seasons, regions, time and implementation periods, pricing for tariffs per person and per service. Calculation of the individual sizes of commissions to guides and partners. Automatic calculation of sales prices in the voucher.

  • Work with applications

    Reception and processing of booked applications from the site, quick creation of applications manually, entering a voucher with the required data, the sale of the voucher on request.

I know how best

Analyze the information,
make the right conclusions.

  • Elements of the CRM-system

    Work with the client base, interact with partners and service providers, send emails, confirmations, built-in message system for users / guides / hoteliers.

  • Financial Accounting

    Keep automatic records of financial flows, income and expenses, accounting commissions to partners. Fast execution of payments on applications, vouchers, automatic loading of payments online, interaction with the "Client-Bank" system.

  • Shopping organization

    Connect shops participating in places of excursions and events, adjust races, keep records of purchases made by tourists in stores, count and distribute profits in the form of commission for purchases coming from stores.

  • Convenience of work with guides

    The system allows you to quickly enter information about the sold vouchers, fill out the tourist's personal data, automatically generate the voucher number and print a voucher for the tourist. The system provides discounts to tourists. Guides get the opportunity to quickly view the quotas for the event, taking into account the available seats.

Easy to use

Easy to use - the most
the main thing.

  • Reporting system

    Numerous reports and printed forms allow you to automatically receive various accounting and statistical data on sales, tourists, services, etc.

  • Content management on the site

    The process of creating a new route (service) or adjusting an existing one via a special web-interface will take no more than 5 minutes. Add colorful photos and details of the route, quickly change the prices or the sizes of groups. Give your clients the opportunity to leave feedback and assessments about services.

  • Visual control over the sale of quoted services

    Centrally manage the reservation and monitor the sales of block rooms in hotels and transport with the help of graphic booking monitors.

  • Online payment for applications for individual persons
  • Online hotel management module
  • Online booking for businesses and individuals
  • Notification System
  • Data Exchange with Excel

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